Saturday, July 22, 2006

the 10 commandments-I think maybe we should post these in the court houses and state buildings

The Ritual Decalogue is one of the two very different lists within the Torah that are known as the Decalogue or Ten Commandments — the name decalogue (δέκα λόγοι) merely means ten sayings. The Ritual Decalogue is the list of commandments in Exodus 34. As they concern points of ritual, rather than ethics, they are viewed as having minor significance compared to the Ethical Decalogue. Consequently, although the Ritual Decalogue appears in the text at the point where God inscribes the Ten Commandments into the two stone tablets, and it is they rather than the Ethical Decalogue which are identified as the Ten Commandments, it is the Ethical Decalogue which is commonly believed to be inscribed on the tablets.
these are the 10 commandments (paraphrased)
  1. Worship no other god than Yahweh: Make no covenant with the inhabitants of other lands to which you go, do not intermarry with them, and destroy their places of worship.
  2. Do not make molten idols.
  3. Observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days in the month of Abib.
  4. Sacrifice firstborn male animals to Yahweh. The firstborn of a donkey may be redeemed; redeem firstborn sons.
  5. Do no work or even kindle a fire on the seventh day. Anyone who does so will be put to death.
  6. Observe the Feast of First Fruits and the Feast of Ingathering: All males are therefore to appear before Yahweh three times each year.
  7. Do not mix sacrificial blood with leavened bread.
  8. Do not let the fat of offerings remain until the morning.
  9. Bring the choicest first fruits of the harvest to the Temple of Yahweh.
  10. Do not cook a goat in its mother's milk.
from the wikipedia entry here

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