Friday, January 07, 2011

How about a nice free melodic IDM album from the sadly dead-ish netlabel Monotnik?

Here's a description from the page I linked to above
'Suitable For A Desire To Share' is almost 40 minutes of lushly layered electronic music to die for - or at least freeze a little bit.

We start off with the oddly titled 'Small, Brightly Coloured, Highly Arboreal', which hops up into the trees for some almost Boards Of Canada-esque loping beats and marvellously complex electronic beats. From there on, there's just all kinds of mature fun to be had, with 'Cumulonimbus Arcus' looping all over the place in delight.

What else? Blimey, 'A Minor Lovesong' is all guitars and style and 'Hover In Mid-Air' is semi-ambient bliss"
Click here for the zip

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